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vol. 1  
  - with Isa - 
Hi! Welcome to the first ever Athletica newsletter. I'm Isa, I run Athletica, I present sometimes on FBi Radio and Nomad Radio, and I (used to lol) DJ around Sydney/Aus. Iso is weird and hard, so I thought this could be a nice weekly distraction to hit your inbox.

Each week will be curated by a different artist!
It'll have a Spotify playlist for listening and dancing in your bedroom to, a BuyMusicClub list where you can buy those tracks on Bandcamp, and some iso tips for how we're staying sane. 

I hope it can help a little right now, thank you so much for subscribing. Stay as safe as you can <3 

Music Isa Likes...

This playlist starts with Rico Nasty and ends with a Sissy Nobby edit of Tink, and there's a lot of Big Club Energy in the middle. I arranged it so you can listen start to finish, but also if you want to shuffle it then be my guest, I'm not the boss of you.

...And Where To Buy It

Most of the tracks from the Spotify playlist are in here to buy, but also a few extras that are just avail on Bandcamp. Special mention to Atro and Hence Therefore's Because of U flip - not only does it it hit me in my heart in a big way, but also 100% of the proceeds from your purchase go to a COVID-19 mutual aid fund! 

Isa's Iso Tips

I'm a person who was home for dinner maybe two out of seven nights per week, so suddenly being Home All The Time was a deeply weird adjustment. One thing that's helped, though, is a stupid amount of Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
And like... I really mean a stupid amount. I think I clocked up 30hrs in the first five or so days of iso, that hell week where everything suddenly changed. 
I love its calming music and its weird, whimsical creatures and its Avatar: The Last Airbender type energy. If you have a Switch and the means to get it, I can't recommend it highly enough. Also!!! DON'T DEFEAT THE YIGA CLAN EARLY IN THE GAME!!! THIS ISN'T A SPOILER, IT'S A WARNING. 
Bonus iso tip for people who live in noisy places: mynoise.net rules. It's free and its white noise setting is super customisable and perfect for drowning out the sounds of your house when you're trying to concentrate. I live with my grandma and she watches the news at max volume from 5pm, but this means I can still get stuff done with Scomo public addresses blaring from the lounge room. 
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Next week ...
flower boy 卓颖贤
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